
Springtime Inspiration - What's On Your Seed Packet?

I hope everyone is enjoying the springtime now that April showers have brought the bright blooms of daffodils, tulips, and cherry blossoms

I wanted to share a few upcoming events and musings to help you get excited for the energy of spring.

First, join our next virtual workshop on Wednesday, April 24th, 6pm-7:30pm Eastern Time for Purpose Lab: Leveraging Intuition & Manifestation in Your Life & Career. Whether you’re new to intuition or manifestation, or have used it before, you can learn practical steps you can apply immediately to create your new job, career, or perspective shifts. Learn more and register here. Use “ILOVEPURPOSE24” for $10 off as a thank you for following my blog!

Now, on to today’s musing and takeaway:

What’s in Your Seed Packet?

If you love gardening, then you already appreciate the joy of putting in the work to cultivate nutrient-rich soil, planting seeds, watering and waiting, and then seeing the fruits of your labor/love as the seedlings grow.

Being mindful of this process can be helpful when you think about making improvements in your life or career, especially if you’re looking to try something new.

You know how the seed packets have important information in them, like how much sunlight the plant needs, the gardening zone it would thrive in, how much water it requires, how far apart to plant the seeds, and other key topics?

These all help us to figure out where to plant the seeds in the garden, how we take care of them, and how we create the ideal conditions or environment for them to grow.

I see the same thing for how we approach our goals related to career or life.

Let’s say you’re interested in finding a new job. There is a lot of cultivation required before you can leave and land a job offer.

It requires first asking yourself — what is it that YOU need to thrive? What information would be written on your seed packet?

What kind of work or job functions do you love? Do you love mission-oriented work or working with numbers? Do you need praise and credit to be given freely and authentically by your supervisor or colleagues? Do you like an atmosphere that is serious or playful?

How much do you want to grow? Do you want a job that allows for you to grow as tall as possible, where you’re not tied to a job description but can expand and grow to gain new skills?

These types of questions will help you to figure out your must-haves so that you start with intentionally creating the ideal conditions for yourself.

For example, I had a job once where office party life revolved around drinks and happy hours.

I personally don’t drink alcohol because of medical reasons and I frankly never acquired the taste for it, but over time, it became a bit uncomfortable for me to always decline drinks, or have to explain this to people. For my next job, I wanted an environment where people could relax and converse with people without alcohol.

I became clear on the kind of culture I wanted and it became part of my manifestation. No matter how you view it - as co-creating with the Universe, or as praying to God for what you desire, my intentions led to the actualization of this in my next job.

My colleagues and I had fun talking with one another, eating at restaurants, exploring new neighborhoods, and bonding over arts and music.

There was a deeper level of connection with people that I found necessary in my job environment. This was what I needed on my seed packet to thrive (among many other things).

If you’re interested in how to create this for yourself, then join us at this workshop on Wed, April 24th! If you can’t attend live, I will share the recording with you and you can still receive an intuitive reading afterward.

If you have friends or colleagues who are experiencing any challenges in their career or life, please share this workshop with them! It may give them the tools or perspective to make lasting shifts.

What do you need on your seed packet? Share in the comments below!